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Consultation for Therapy Practices
$750 minute consultation with founder/owner and accountant
David Dietzway, MBA.
David specializes in accounting and finance for new and small individual and group therapy practices
75 minutes: 265
90 minutes: $350
Consultation for Therapists by Kathryn Dieztway, LCSW
60 Minute consultation with founder/owner Kathryn Dietzway, MSW, LCSW. Areas of focus may include EMDR therapy, Nature Focused Therapy, and building a sustainable, healthy private practice
$165-$195 Sliding Scale
EMDR Consultant In Training Constultations to therapists pursing EMDR training/Certification:
60 minutes: $65-$90 Sliding Scale
Psychotherapy & Accounting Consultation Package
3 hour joint consult;1.5 hours of accounting consultation and 1.5 hours of clinical/psychotherapist focused consultation.
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